Tuesday, July 19, 2022

World's Largest Engagement Ring, Lutherville-Timonium, MD

World's Largest Engagement Ring, 
Lutherville-Timonium, MD

Located on York Road in Lutherville-Timonium, this 17-ft high and 14-ft wide engagement ring sitting in front of the Smyth Jewelers claims to be the world's largest. The ring is made from polished stainless steel and is topped by a multi-faceted acrylic 'diamond'. Designed by The ring took a year to build and was based on a design by Uneek jewelers. Originally placed outside the store for a publicity campaign "How Big is Big", the ring remains in place and acts as a perfect opportunity for photo opportunities. Read more here: https://southernjewelrynews.com/featured-articles/world-s-biggest-engagement-ring-a-big-task-with-huge-returns/ 

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