Tuesday, October 16, 2012

World's Largest Gas Station Sign, St. Louis, MO

World's Largest Gas Station Sign, St. Louis, MO

Sitting high atop a BP Station (go figure) this is one heck of a gas sign. Located at the intersections of Skinker Blvd. ,Clayton Rd., and Oakland Ave. this gargantuan sign is very close to the entrance to the St. Louis Zoo and only minutes away from the Concrete Turtle Park on the opposite side of I64. apparently this is a smaller version of the original sign (Standard Oil) that use to sit here that was 40' x 60' and lit up like a Christmas Tree that could be seen from miles away.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure I have the details right, but all Standard gas stations were converted to the BP brand some years ago. BP bought Standard or they merged together or whatever, but the BP station in these pics was a Standard gas station at one time (oh yeah, before all of this, all Standard stations were changed to AMOCO)
