Saturday, July 21, 2012

Uncle Sam, Troy, NY

Uncle Sam, Troy, NY

In his home town, this aluminum statue stands on the corner of River Street and Fulton Street in downtown Troy, NY. this is a tribute to Samuel Wilson, the true bonifide  "Uncle Sam" the one that inspired the comic book image that said "patriotism". The original tribute was to be that of a man Samuel Wilson but the town chose to depict him as "Uncle Sam". Legend has it that Wilson, a meat packer was shipping meat in barrels for the US army in support of the war of 1812. Each barrel was marked with a "US" that the soldier were positive stood for "Uncle Sam", thus the legend of Uncle Sam. From that point on, anything with US on it was dubbed belonging to Uncle Sam. The 87th congress in 1961 declared Sam Wilson the original Uncle Sam and a symbol of these United States.