Friday, July 27, 2012

Martinka's America's Oldest Magic Shop, Originally owned by Houdini, Midland Park, NJ

Martinka's America's Oldest Magic Shop, Originally owned by Houdini, Midland Park, NJ 

While attending a Gettysburg event in Ridgewood, NJ,  I came across the Martinkas & Co. Museum of Magic and More behind the Midland Park Shopping Center in Midland NJ. This is the oldest Magic Shop in the USA and along with featuring a wide array of magic tricks whose now owner Tim performed for me while viewing his fabulous collection.
The original shop was located on sixth avenue in NYC and opened by two brothers, Francis and Antonio Martinka in 1873.
Top magicians frequented and performed in the shop. Names such as Robert Heller, Alexander Herrmann, William Robinson, Carter the Great, Harry Houdini and Harry Kellar. In Martinka’s back room in 1902 The Society of American Magicians  was founded. Houdini became an owner of the shop in 1919 when he merged his magic business with the Hornmanns Magic Shop. Today the magic shop has moved to Midland, NJ. Martinka’s still provides props from its prop shop to today’s magicians, special effects and magic consulting and entertainment: Some who frequent the shop. Chris Angel; Penn and Teller and others.